Fairfield Estates

Crownsville, MD




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Brian Ecker posted photos
Nov 4, 2013
Wendy Colonna posted photos
Jun 30, 2013
Brian Ecker posted a status
"The High's across the street closed up shop. Now I have to drive 2 miles down the road to the Wawa. What is this, the middle ages? :)"
Dec 21, 2011
Brian Ecker posted a status
"Jim and Willa lost their cat (photo below). Please contact them if you find or see it!"
Nov 19, 2011
Brian Ecker posted a photo


Last seen Nov 18, 2011. Please contact Jim Rogers or Willa Gaitanis.
Nov 19, 2011
Brian Ecker posted an event

Turkey Bowl XII at The Supplee's House

November 24, 2011 from 8am to 9am
Turkey Bowl XII will be held on Thursday, November 24th at the Supplee's.We plan to have a mass @ 8:00 AM. Game time will be 8:30 AM with coffee and breakfast available.See More
Nov 18, 2011
Wm Patrick McGuire is now a member of Fairfield Estates
Nov 16, 2011
Patty Mihaly is now a member of Fairfield Estates
Nov 12, 2011
Russell Davis is now a member of Fairfield Estates
Nov 10, 2011
Wendy Colonna posted a status
"If anyone is missing a soccer ball, there's one in our back yard and we don't know where it came from. :)"
Nov 9, 2011
Brian Ecker posted an event

FEHOA Annual Meeting at South Shore Elementary School

December 8, 2011 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Annual Homeowners Meeting.  Please be sure to attend or complete your proxy form!See More
Nov 9, 2011
Profile IconRick Supplee and Ron Mihaly joined Fairfield Estates
Nov 3, 2011
Brian Ecker posted a photo
Nov 2, 2011
Amy ZImmerman posted a status
"thanks for doing this, very cool! :)"
Nov 1, 2011
Profile IconAmy ZImmerman, Marti Connolly, Cindy Crockett and 2 more joined Fairfield Estates
Nov 1, 2011
Marti Connolly posted a status
"like your Halloween pics, especially the one with the little dog."
Nov 1, 2011


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